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How to save on air conditioning costs
When you think about how much your home costs to run, it's no surprise that Americans are eager for an energy-efficient solution. The Department of Energy reports $29 billion in unnecessary electricity consumption each year due solely to our AC units! Let alone all those other effects on environment and health--think outside the box when considering what could be done with these funds instead.
There are ways to cut the cost of cooling your home without busting your budget or wiping out any savings. Here's how you can save money on air conditioning and thus electric bill!
Air conditioning can be a huge expense for homeowners and businesses, especially when you have an entire building or campus with HVAC systems. Luckily there are ways that cutting back on your AC usage could help save money every month as well as reduce harmful greenhouse gases in our atmosphere!
The best time to invest is now so we don't end up paying more later down the line - just think about how many people would benefit from lower energy bills if they were cheaper

Cover your windows
The old windows of your home may be a huge energy drain, but you can make them more efficient with just one simple change. Newer models are available that will keep the heat out and let in only what's necessary for comfort - meaning less money spent on cooling!
The new windows have an energy-efficient coating that helps keep the heat and cold out. This is great for wintertime, when it's chilly outside but stuffy inside your house with all those heating bills you don't want to pay; as well summertime!

Seal your Windows
The cold air that leaks out of your windows is like an open invitation for the AC unit to work overtime. The more efficiently it cools, means less time spent running and higher comfort levels inside!
The cooling system in your house has to work even harder when you have badly sealed windows. The precious air that just got cooled out leaves the room, allowing cold outside into what is already too warm inside!

Keep it Maintained
It's important to take care of your AC unit because it will last longer, and you won't have any unnecessary expenses.
If there are signs that the air conditioning system is struggling (such as high outdoor temperature) then call us immediately so we can assess what may be wrong before matters get worse! It is important to check the coil fins of your air conditioner because if they're bent or blocked, it could lead to decreased cooling efficiency and even short out against other parts in close proximity.

Close your Leaks
Energy efficient insulation is the key to a more comfortable home. It can help you save money on your electric bill and improve how well heating water works, which means no more waiting around for hot showers or baths! A professional technician will be able to spot any leaks that could be causing unnecessary wasted energy in order fix them before they become worse than what's already there - this saves both time and cash.

aircon not cold

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